Sugandha Subramanian
Strategy Analyst Associate

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Recent projects

Toronto Police Service
Toronto Police Service
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Managerial Analytics for Toronto Police Service

The project output is expected will promote the mandate of BIAU through any new insights produced. The format, length and style of the final report will be determined by the student teams based on the project objectives, as stated below.Themes: 1. KSI & Traffic Safety 2. Assaults 3. Break & Enter All teams must pick one additional Major Crime Indicator (MCI) or any other category (other than the above three) from the Public Safety Data Portal to add to their theme, and include in their analysis and report. Scope:Three Key Performance Indicators One Benchmark for each type of crimeInsights from primary and secondary research Industry wide from other law enforcement agencies (police forces or otherwise) from anywhere in the world, that the team considers significant to be used for point (1) and (2) above. Build a forecasting model from historical data, to map the future of TPS in the context of the theme assigned to you. A Final Report of maximum 20 pages, with findings and insights; and conclusions and recommendations. The project scope and methodology must be well defined at the beginning, with the relevant analysis to be attached (even if as part of appendices) We are open to a Final Presentation of maximum 15-20 minutes, as part of the final class in December 2018, to succinctly provide an overview and highlight the key points from the project work. We will be happy to view the presentations at Concordia via video conference for this purpose and interact with the students as well.Overall Flow for Final Report: BackgroundResearch MethodologyFindings & InsightsConclusions RecommendationsNOTE: The above flow is meant to be only a guideline and is completely flexible to be revised and / or replaced.

Matches 1
Category Information technology + 2
Toronto Police Service
Toronto Police Service
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

TPS Social Media Audience Analysis

To follow all the 3 Phases listed in the Riipen Project Summary, exactly how it is mentioned with the following objectives in mind: 1. To conduct analytics on the corporate social media accounts and the individual accounts (especially of the TPS leadership) to identify influencers, success of campaigns (will be specified later) and overall public sentiment. as well as the TPS member sentiment. 2. To identify current weaknesses in our social media efforts, and identify opportunities for improvements. 3. To check for alignment of the TPS social media content the Service level organisational priorities. 1. A Final Report of maximum 20 pages, with findings and insights (mandatory) and conclusions and recommendations (not mandatory). The project scope and methodology must be well defined at the beginning, with the relevant analysis to be attached (even if as part of appendices) 2. We are open to a Final Presentation of maximum 15-20 minutes, as part of the final class in December 2018, to succinctly provide an overview and highlight the key points from the project work. We will be happy to visit the class at Seneca for this purpose and meet with the students as well.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 3
Toronto Police Service
Toronto Police Service
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Toronto Police Service Social Media Strategy

To follow all the 3 Phases listed in the Riipen Project Summary, excatly how it is mentioned with the following objectives in mind:1. To conduct analytics on the corproate social media accounts and the individual accounts (especially of the TPS leadership) to indentify influencers, successful projects and campaigns 2. To identify current weaknesses in our social media efforts, and identify opportunities for improvements 3. To make recommendations for improvement and in doing so, align the strategy and recommendations such that it complements the Service level organisational priorities1. A Final Report of maximum 20 pages, with findings, insights, conclusions and recommendations. The project scope and methodology must be well defined at the beginning, with the relevant analysis to be attached (even if as part of appendices) 2. A FInal Presentation of maximum 15-20 minutes, as part of the final class in November 2018, to succinctly provide an overview and highlight the key points from the project work.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 3
Toronto Police Service
Toronto Police Service
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Information Management Working Group - Internal Branding

The Information Management Working Group (IMWG), with representatives from all pillars, was created in 2017 by the Enterprise Business Intelligence (EBI) Steering Committee to provide direction and oversight on information management and governance with the vision of Service-wide expansion. As part of this project, the students are expected to: 1. Identify the requirements of the IMWG agenda and the BIAU objectvies and apply to the style, colours, templates of the output 2. Identify technological requirements expected from the TPS to integrate with their current technology infrastructure, wherever applicable 3. Keep in mind the core values, maintain professionalism and work in line with current TPS policies and philosophy 4. Provide their work in multiple formats for ease of use at TPS (eg. PNG, JPEG, etc) 5. Accept feedback from IMWG group and make revisions where needed to arrive at final version of output 1. Multiple logo proofs with three variations of your log: a primary logo (text with graphic), a text-only logo, and a graphic-only logo 2. Multiple banner proofs with three variations (as extensions of the logos) 3. A multi-page PDF Visual Branding Guide including the chosen logo, with components explained, rationale behind the design, and the story supporting it 4. A completed sample letterhead, business card, badge

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 3