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Recent experiences

Training and Development Consultancy - W25
HRM 902 (C22)
How long does it take your new employees to start adding value? How well are your current employees doing on the job? Can your organization do more to support the training & development of your employees? In this project, students in the McMaster University Centre for Continuing Education Human Resources Management program will provide actionable training & development recommendations, processes, or high-level design to enhance the performance of both new and experienced employees.

Talent Acquisition Consultancy - W25
HRM 897 (C22)
In the race for top talent, is your organization eager to find and assess high quality candidates? In this project, continuing education students in McMaster University’s Human Resources Management program will provide actionable recruitment and selection recommendations that you can apply to source talent for even the most difficult roles to hire.

Digital Marketing Strategy - Winter 2025
DMK 102
This semester students working in small groups will apply their knowledge in digtial marketing strategy to help your organization seize a marketing opportunity, develop a strategic digital marketing plan, or solve a current digital marketing challenge.The students will consider marketing research, strategy, digital promotional tools and marketing best practices to create a plan, report and presentation.

Talent Acquisition Consultancy - W25
HRM 897 (C21)
Is your organization eager to find and assess top talent? Students in McMaster University’s Human Resources Management program will provide actionable recommendations on talent acquisition, branding, marketing, operations, and planning to help you source candidates for challenging roles.