Marketing Plan
Positions available: 1 We want to understand better our target market and audience and the overall market to position ourselves within our industry uniquely. The suggested project could likely be completed by a team of two students working 40 hours each but could entail 3-4 students maximum to delve into greater detail. We are hoping your research will include the following: The Marketing Plan : 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Description 3. Strategic Focus and plan Mission/Vision Goals Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage 4. Situation Analysis SWOT Analysis (Internal Strengths and Weaknesses, Management, Offerings, Marketing, Personnel, Finance, Manufacturing, Research and Development (R & D), External Opportunities and Threats, Consumer/Social, Competitive, Technological, Economic, Legal/Regulatory) Industry Analysis Competitor Analysis Company Analysis Customer Analysis 5. Market-Product Focus: Marketing and Product Objectives Target Markets Points of Difference Positioning 6. Marketing Program Product Strategy Price Strategy Promotion Strategy Place (Distribution Strategy) 7. Financial Data and Projections Past Sales Revenues Five-Year Projections 8. Organization 9. Implementation 10. Evaluation and Control