Sound Antidote Inc.
Sound Antidote Inc.
Sound Antidote Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Number of employees
2 - 10 employees

Sound Antidote Inc. provides services in the domain of Systems Engineering, Innovation and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics areas, in order to provide a path forward for all walks of life.

We have leveraged key partners in the field of aerospace systems and strive towards using aerospace systems for socially beneficial applications and know-how.

Branding & style guides Robotics Product or service launch Grant writing Artificial intelligence
Academic association Airlines, aviation & aerospace Science Technology Telecommunications

Recent projects

Robotics - Mechanical Design for 3D printing and CNC

We want to leverage the latest 3D Mechanical Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology available to create mechanical designs that can be fabricated using 3D printing / CNC. We would like to collaborate with students to apply their mechanical design skills to create new and exciting designs for our products.We would like students to develop Mechanical CAD modelling skills and come up with some potential designs that can be used for the various robotics applications we are developing.This will involve:Work with 3D Mechanical CAD tools to modify pre-existing designs for the requirements.Placing internal components of various products inside the 3D models. Ensure 3D printing , DFM compatibility of the final models developed.

Admin Guruditya Sinha
Matches 1
Category Robotics + 3

Market Analysis for Aero Applications

Our organization is interested in creating technologies that will shape tomorrow's world. We would like to invite students to help us tackle business and market identification problems in the technology market for aerospace service and products.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our vision statement and a project we have defined.Create a framework that helps the company work on future applications better.Identifying potential sponsors and funding opportunities that are a good fit for our organization and project.Identifying key regulatory hurdles and business challenges during the market studyGenerate atleast 25 - 30 leads that can be approached immediately to apply our products.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Identifying new opportunities for other funding sources like VCs etc.

Admin Guruditya Sinha
Matches 1
Category Market research + 2

Antenna Design

Developing a prototype antenna system for a radio and electronics project.The student should be able to create the mechanical and electrical design. We will fabricate the antenna prototype after that.Antenna maybe in frequency range of 100 Megahertz and 1 Gigahertz. These will be relatively simple in design and anyone with prior experience or interest in this topic should apply for this opportunity.

Admin Guruditya Sinha
Matches 1
Category Electrical engineering + 4

Electronics and Radio Product Design

To expand our product offering we need to design a Software Defined Radio (SDR) prototype. These are electronics systems which are versatile and can be software configured for various radio applications.We are interested in developing this for applications that our clients have requested for.We would like to design the radio for upto 12 Gigahertz frequency.Key aspects of the internship may include : Radio Frequency designPrinted Circuit Board / Circuit designField Programmable Gate Array designOne of these will be selected basis the student's capabilities and interests.Designs for the fabrication of the board.

Admin Guruditya Sinha
Matches 1
Category Hardware + 2

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