Your Score Booster
Your Score Booster
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Operations: Taking Tutoring Company Virtual

We need help in operations switching from a tutoring mainly in our headquarter's city to a tutoring online to students in the U.S. and Canada.This switch has already begun to online tutoring, but by July 31, we will close our headquartesr and switch to a virtual company, with employees and our clients (students) at their homes.To accomplish this, we believe students will need to:Research fulfillment (storing our books in a fulfillment center, tracking inventory and delivering them)Switching finance (billing and invoices) to be handled completely electronicallyDetermining changes to administrative positionsDetermining other key changes required to go virtual

Admin Richard Dalton
Matches 1
Category Operations + 1

Your Score Booster - Social Media - Level Up

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET:Marketing and OperationsKEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET:Student(s) are not expected to do all of these tasks. But the more a student can do, the better.Learn about our companyRead suggested content to be postedTurn the content into a graphic / memePost graphic / meme onlineSet up a social media marketing schedule on a site such as HootSuite, and post material in advanceAdd more pins to Pinterest related to universities and private secondary schoolsStting up an account on Instagram and creating our presence thereRevise Zoho Recruit system to smooth the hiring processAdd more automation to Zoho CRMCreating more material specifically to promote us to educational consultantsSetting up our website to make it easier to post and promote classesIDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Graphic designer Social media marketing specialistWriting good promotional copyTech-savvy studentFINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET:Posting of memesSmoother recruitment processes on Zoho RecruitCreating e-mail templatesWebsite including a class modulePROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Richard DaltonEMAIL ADDRESS/ADRESSE E-MAIL:

Admin Richard Dalton
Matches 1
Category Social media marketing + 2

Your Score Booster - Social Media

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET:Marketing and OperationsKEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET:Student(s) are not expected to do all of these tasks. But the more a student can do, the better.Learn about our companyRead suggested content to be postedTurn the content into a graphic / memePost graphic / meme onlineSet up a social media marketing schedule on a site such as HootSuite, and post material in advanceAdd more pins to Pinterest related to universities and private secondary schoolsStting up an account on Instagram and creating our presence thereRevise Zoho Recruit system to smooth the hiring processAdd more automation to Zoho CRMCreating more material specifically to promote us to educational consultantsSetting up our website to make it easier to post and promote classesIDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Graphic designer Social media marketing specialistWriting good promotional copyTech-savvy studentFINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET:Posting of memesSmoother recruitment processes on Zoho RecruitCreating e-mail templatesWebsite including a class modulePROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Richard DaltonEMAIL ADDRESS/ADRESSE E-MAIL:

Admin Richard Dalton
Matches 3
Category Social media marketing + 2