Operations: Taking Tutoring Company Virtual

Your Score Booster
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Richard Dalton
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Operations Project management
invoicing finance standard operating procedure operations research billing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We need help in operations switching from a tutoring mainly in our headquarter's city to a tutoring online to students in the U.S. and Canada.

This switch has already begun to online tutoring, but by July 31, we will close our headquartesr and switch to a virtual company, with employees and our clients (students) at their homes.

To accomplish this, we believe students will need to:

  • Research fulfillment (storing our books in a fulfillment center, tracking inventory and delivering them)
  • Switching finance (billing and invoices) to be handled completely electronically
  • Determining changes to administrative positions
  • Determining other key changes required to go virtual
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

The final deliverables should take the form of:

  • Selection of a fulfillment center
  • Standard operating procedures for fulfillment, inventory and mailing
  • Standard operating procedures for finance
  • Updates to standard operating procedures for administration
  • Standard operating procedures for any other key tasks required for virtual company
  • A 30-minute presentation
About the company

our Score Booster offers SAT / ACT / AP / SSAT / ISEE / GRE / GMAT classes and tutoring. Our main market is Vancouver and we are seeking to expand worldwide via one-on-one tutoring via Zoom.