I Call Myself...
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: This student placement will contribute to content creation and video documentation of narrative profiles that are relevant to the participating students. We want to tell your stories, and elaborate the difficult issues that are relevant to young people on a personal and philosophic level. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Interview subjects in relation to thematic content relevant to the team. Collect and organize imagery through various mediums and relay stories through the images in regards to the personal narrative threads. Research distribution schemes based on the topical events that are visualized through the process. IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Videographer/Creative Writer/Designer Artist Researcher/Documentation/Co-ordination Editor/Sound Artist/Organizer FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: Video/Photo documentation of processes undertaken along with Research Material collected to define the stories the candidate pursues using both visual and narrative means. The scope of the stories needs to be articulated in a proposal format using imagery/video recordings to support the documentation. WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS YOUR PROJECT COULD ACCOMMODATE?/QUEL EST LE NOMBRE MAXIMUM D'ÉTUDIANTS QUE VOTRE PROJET PEUT ACCUEILLIR? * 5