Yu kun Kang
May 16, 2024
Individual endorsement
Social media Media management Target audience Brand awareness Market analysis Reforestation Promotional campaigns Marketing Marketing strategies Environmental social and corporate governance (esg)

Your tenure as a Winter Marketing Analyst at TerraCore Solutions has been marked by exceptional performance. Your effective communication and proficient multitasking abilities have significantly boosted our team's productivity and overall success. The energy and commitment you've shown have positively transformed our team's dynamics, creating an environment rich in collaboration and support. We are eager about the prospect of you continuing to bring your invaluable skills and enthusiasm to our team, as your contribution has been key to our achievements. We sincerely thank you for your relentless dedication and the significant impact you have made throughout your time with us. We look forward to the possibility of further collaboration, as we continue to pursue our shared goals and achieve greater successes together.

Team feedback
Your tenure as a Winter Marketing Analyst at TerraCore Solutions has been marked by exceptional performance. Your effective communication and proficient multitasking abilities have significantly boosted our team's productivity and overall success. The energy and commitment you've shown have positively transformed our team's dynamics, creating an environment rich in collaboration and support. We are eager about the prospect of you continuing to bring your invaluable skills and enthusiasm to our team, as your contribution has been key to our achievements. We sincerely thank you for your relentless dedication and the significant impact you have made throughout your time with us. We look forward to the possibility of further collaboration, as we continue to pursue our shared goals and achieve greater successes together.
Social media Media management Target audience Brand awareness Market analysis Reforestation Promotional campaigns Marketing Marketing strategies Environmental social and corporate governance (esg)
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
TerraCore Solutions
Winter Marketing Analyst
TerraCore Solutions
April 25, 2024
Team feedback
Throughout your role as a ESG Marketing Analyst at TerraCore Solutions, your performance has been nothing short of exemplary. Your clear and effective communication, combined with your skill in managing multiple tasks, has significantly contributed to our team’s productivity and overall success. Your dedication and positive energy have infused our workplace with enthusiasm, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. We are excited at the prospect of you continuing to share your invaluable skills and enthusiasm with our team, as your involvement has been essential to our collective achievements. We sincerely appreciate your tireless dedication and the substantial impact you have made during your tenure. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work with you again in the near future as we continue to strive towards our shared goals and achieve further successes.
Social media Media management Target audience Brand awareness Market analysis Reforestation Promotional campaigns Marketing Marketing strategies Environmental social and corporate governance (esg)
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
TerraCore Solutions
ESG Marketing Analyst
TerraCore Solutions
Daniel Wang
April 10, 2024
Team feedback
Brilliant work guys! The final presentation was beyond the team's expectations
Logo design
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Pineapple Socials
Logo Redesign
Pineapple Socials
Daniel Wang
March 26, 2024
Team feedback
It was a pleasure working with you Justin!
Branding Brand identity Research Logo design
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Juplix Financial Inc.
Brand Identity and Graphic Design
Juplix Financial Inc.
Daniel Wang
February 28, 2024
Team feedback
Justin was an amazing intern!
Social media campaigns Social media content Social media management Social media marketing
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Pineapple Socials
Social Media Marketing Campaign
Pineapple Socials
Daniel Wang
February 22, 2024
Team feedback
Great job!
Social media campaigns Managed accounts Account management Social media content Social media management Streamlining
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP πŸš€
Pineapple Socials
Associate Account Management Intern
Pineapple Socials