Affiliate & Influencer Digital Marketing for INSPIRELY
Project Goal: Elevating Outreach for INSPIRELY's Passion Discovery Workshops & STEAM Programs Problem Statement: The challenge is to strategically leverage affiliate marketing to boost awareness and registration for INSPIRELY's Passion Discovery Monthly Workshops (for students in grade 3-8) and other STEAM-focused after-school enrichment programs (for grade 1-8). Desired Outcome: By the end of the project, students will have contributed to: Increased visibility and boosted registration for INSPIRELY's monthly workshops and after-school programs. Strategic affiliate recruitment aligned with the target audience: parents of children grade 3-8, elementary and middle school students, Social Committee Members and Human Resource Mangers from Corporates with or without Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Enhanced communication strategies for successful outreach to target audience. Monitoring and reporting on affiliate-driven traffic and engagement. The successful contributing intern could have an opportunity to continue working with us even after internship.