Oliver Dixon
Oliver Dixon He / Him
Credence Holmes
Credence Holmes
January 31, 2024
Individual endorsement
Leadership Organization Communication Initiative Coding - nextjs, nodejs, typescript, tailwindcss, prisma, postgresql, redux, next auth

I found Oliver to be a leader in his group, he excelled at leadership, organization, communication, initiative and coding. Many people looked to him for guidance and to ask questions from and he often immediately had the answers everyone else needed. He was always willing to take on a task and help others in the team. He did very well in creating documentation that others could follow to make the team as a whole run very smoothly. I was more than happy to have him as part of YourBeat and would gladly give him a great review and reference for any company he decides to go to.

Team feedback
Amazing! Oliver stood out right from the beginning as a leader and someone the team was able to look to for support and guidance. He took initiative in groups and meetings, and lead the team often. He was one of the most active members in the discord messages and always was super at answering questions and helping everyone in the team. Oliver excels in organization, teamwork, communication, leadership, and initiative to name a few. I would be more than happy to write a reference for him to join any company, as he would be an asset to anything he puts his mind to.
Python (programming language) Application programming interface (api) Sql (programming language) Needs assessment Web development Artificial intelligence
ICT Ignite
ICT Ignite Plus - Web Development
ICT Ignite
YourBeat Inc.
YourBeat Inc. - Website Development - Basic Back End DB - Artists 01
YourBeat Inc.