Project Management: Help us get from alpha to beta
We are looking to bring on students to be our learner-consultant in a project management role. We are a data startup focused on advanced consumer feedback. We're going into various industries and doing credibility checks, security checks, breakdowns feedback in different aspects of the business and so much more. We're looking for a project manager to help us get our program from alpha to beta! As a project manager we'll look to you to help us identify challenges, analyze our current programs, and then come up with solutions and strategies to implement and help us get to that next level. In this role you'll help with assessing and identifying needs/issues and provide actionable recommendations while performing result based tasks. Work with our tech, executive, security, and marketing team to help us get to our Beta Launch in 2024! You choose how you want to help as a project manager for one of the following: IT: back end development, front end development, data science, design, deployment, cybersecurity Marketing: product development, business development, copywriting, partner acquisition Investment: presentation/pitch development, investor search and qualification