Sandra Millward
Owner operator
Market expansion

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Radiate Wellness
Radiate Wellness
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Marketing & Growth Strategy

We offer a independent holistic nutrition and wellness program that clients can take autonomously after their initial assessment. We need insights to promote this program, create a foundation for the marketing strategy and the best approach to capture greater market share, increase conversion and attract new clients globally.Initial questions to brainstorm include, but are not limited to:1. What are the best channels for promotion? 2. Where does our target audience go to find resources? How do we best connect with them?3. Who are our closest competitors and how do we differentiate ourselves? (market comparison)4. How do we establish our brand: Build awareness, acquire customers, and defend any early success?5.Assess our current processes and user experience to identify how we can increase conversionWe are looking to gain alternative perspectives on potential marketing tactics and develop a foundational marketing strategy that we can implement and expand upon as our business continues to grow and reach larger audiences.

Matches 3
Category Competitive analysis + 2
Radiate Wellness
Radiate Wellness
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Financial Strategy

We would like to have a financial strategy and plan created to make our business more viable. This would include:Financial forecastingDetermining how we can leverage what we have to increase revenueCreate financial planBudgetDo we need more investment to achieve our goalsCost analysisPricing strategyPricing comparison to competitorsDevelop a financial strategy that is reflective of our short, and long-term, financing needs. The strategy should be reflective of the internal and external factors that affect our cost of capital.

Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 3
Radiate Wellness
Radiate Wellness
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Mobile App UI / UX Design & Prototype

Our company would like to explore designing a prototype for a mobile application version of our current web based product (Holistic eating and wellness guide and coaching). We would like an app that our clients can use to take our holistic eating courses, track progress, and receive coaching and take lessons. This would include a component that would bring the client back to check in with the app daily and use point system or sorts. Everyday that you do your program, you are rewarded.Tasks may include: Conducting background research on our existing web application for the product. Identifying key areas of our current product and how they might translate to a mobile application.Learning and using various software design tools.Creation of a screen by screen UX / UI prototype of a native mobile application which can be used on both iOS and AndroidConducting UX / UI testing with real potential users potentially involving paper prototypes or other software tools to support thisFinal deliverables should includeThe design screens and all assets in a shareable formatA presentation as stated above of the final designs and recommended next steps

Matches 1
Category Mobile app development + 3