Competitive Analysis for e-commerce platform
It’s important for us to have a better understanding of how our products, services and pricing compare to our competitors. We want to develop clarity on our competitive advantages in order to optimize our development roadmap, pricing, and marketing strategy. This project will include: An identification of our current competitors. An identification of potential future competitors (eg. a large company in a similar industry who may enter the space) The creation of a matrix identifying features shared across the companies and those that are different. A breakdown of pricing for each (this may require taking meetings with our competitors, as many have their full pricing table hidden.) Some examples of use cases for each A summary for each: 2-4 paragraphs that describe our competitive advantages and disadvantages relative to the competition identified. This could be done in the form of a SWOT analysis. An overview of your findings, highlighting key trends in services and products available. Objective We hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of the competitors in our space and how we can differentiate ourselves through our product/service offering, pricing, and messaging.