Arslan Mustafa
Arslan Mustafa


Data pipelines 1 Dev testing 1 Energetic 1 Integrity testing 1 Language model 1 Mobile application testing 1 New product development 1 Parsing 1 Regression testing 1 Research 1 Scenario testing 1 Usability 1 Vulnerability 1 Web pages 1 Willingness to learn 1

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Recent projects

Canada Robotix
Canada Robotix
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Product Design - Hydraulophone Wristle Block Module

***Note: the product scope may be altered depending on the student's skill set and interest to make the most out of the experience. The description is a suggested project scope.***In this project, the student will assist the company in the research and development effort of the hydraulophone.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarization with the functional working of the hydraulophonePerform the appropriate background research on the problem to solveDesign a solution for the problemTest and revise the solution until it’s acceptable to the design team

Matches 2
Category Electrical engineering + 4
VL Energy Ltd.
VL Energy Ltd.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Scientific/Technology Graphs Graphic Design

The main goal for the project is to create scientific and technology graphs with a focus on graphic design for VL Energy Ltd. The company specializes in digital transformation and automation solutions for meeting evolving environment and regulatory compliance conditions through enabling industrial Internet of Things and applying Artificial Intelligence. The project will involve the following steps for the learners:- Understanding the specific requirements and preferences of VL Energy Ltd. for the scientific and technology graphs.- Researching and analyzing the data and information that will be used to create the graphs.- Designing and creating the scientific and technology graphs with a focus on visual appeal and clarity.- Incorporating the graphs into the company's digital transformation and automation solutions as per their requirements.

Matches 1
Category Communications
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Competitor Analysis for Chrome Bookmark Management Extension Part 2

The main goal of this project is to conduct a competitor analysis of other Chrome extensions for bookmark management. This analysis should include both direct and indirect competitors, as well as competitors in the same space. Depending on the yield, we may just focus on one category first (eg: direct only). Goal is to find features and perks they offer and contrast with our current offering.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Researching and identifying direct and indirect competitors in the Chrome bookmark management extension space.- Analyzing the features and perks offered by each competitor.- Contrasting the features and perks of competitors with the current offering of Pondr.- Compiling a report with the findings and recommendations for Pondr's bookmark management extension.

Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 2
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Managing Expectations Webinar for BoardSpace

The main goal of this project is to create a webinar for BoardSpace's target customers (condo board directors, owners & condo managers). The webinar should be tentatively titled "Managing Expectations" and should cover topics such as understanding the roles and responsibilities of board members, setting realistic expectations, and managing conflicts of interest.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 2