Hanan Swidan
Data visualization Data analysis Data modelling


Latest feedback

Shree Nanguneri
Shree Nanguneri
Founder and CEO
April 25, 2022
Experience feedback
- Students & Instructor were collaboratively working together with us, Industry partner (IP) to render success for students in project. - Growth areas & gaps are present for all 3 entities, students, instructor & IP as part of a continuous improvement process for the IP. - Lessons Learned will increase probability for IP to render a much more efficient & effective approach in the next Riipen project cycle. - We wish students the best in their career and professional success as a direct result of this positive engagement.
St. Clair College
Data Analytics Capstone Project
St. Clair College
Millennium Global Business Solutions Inc.
Change Management For Organizational Change, In Medium & Large Enterprises.
Millennium Global Business Solutions Inc.
Greg Yoder
April 22, 2022
Experience feedback
I've worked with college students before and it's almost always been positive. However, St. Clair College went above and beyond what we expected. The survey analysis was not only well done, the dashboard they created was off the chart phenomenal. The presentations were very professional. Most importantly, the finds they presented to us will be used in significant ways to help grow our organization. We'll be focusing on recommendations they presented to us. We're also hoping to incorporate the dashboard they created to track customer satisfaction with our organization and ways to expand our offerings through subscriptions and on-line store.
St. Clair College
Data Analytics Capstone Project
St. Clair College
Keys for Kids Ministries
Subscriber Data Analysis for Keys for Kids Ministries
Keys for Kids Ministries
Lonnie Coplen
August 21, 2022
Experience feedback
I believe this project will start in the fall 2022.
St. Clair College
Data Analytics Capstone Project
St. Clair College
ARC Alternative and Renewable Consulting
Transform American Infrastructure
ARC Alternative and Renewable Consulting

Recent experiences

St. Clair College
St. Clair College
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Data Analytics Capstone Project

Oct 18, 2023 - Apr 30, 2024

This capstone course is aimed at enriching student success by combining the knowledge skills and tools students have learned throughout their program. The skills are used to complete a project on a real-world challenge presented by an instructor or an industry partner. Students will use appropriate analytics techniques and tools and best practices to present results to stakeholders. Students are familiar with Excel, Python, R, SQL, Power BI, Tableau and variety of other tools from prior coursework.

Matches 6
Category Competitive analysis + 4
St. Clair College
St. Clair College
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Data Analytics Capstone Project

Jun 15, 2023 - Aug 31, 2023

This capstone course is aimed at enriching student success by combining the knowledge skills and tools students have learned throughout their program. The skills are used to complete a project on a real-world challenge presented by an instructor or an industry partner. Students will use appropriate analytics techniques and tools and best practices to present results to stakeholders. Students are familiar with Excel, Python, R, SQL and variety of other tools from prior coursework.

Matches 0
Category Data visualization + 3
St. Clair College
St. Clair College
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Data Analytics Capstone Project

DAB 402

Jan 16, 2023 - Jun 2, 2023

This capstone course is aimed at enriching student success by combining the knowledge skills and tools students have learned throughout their program. The skills are used to complete a project on a real-world challenge presented by an instructor or an industry partner. Students will use appropriate analytics techniques and tools and best practices to present results to stakeholders. Students are familiar with Excel, Python, R, SQL, Power BI, Tableau and variety of other tools from prior coursework.

Matches 0
Category Competitive analysis + 4
St. Clair College
St. Clair College
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Data Analytics Capstone Project (Winter 2023)

DAB 402

Jan 16, 2023 - May 1, 2023

This capstone course is aimed at enriching student success by combining the knowledge skills and tools students have learned throughout their program. The skills are used to complete a project on a real-world challenge presented by an instructor or an industry partner. Students will use appropriate analytics techniques and tools and best practices to present results to stakeholders. Students are familiar with Excel, Python, R, SQL, Power BI, Tableau and variety of other tools from prior coursework.

Matches 8
Category Machine learning + 4