Brita Cloghesy-Devereux
Brita Cloghesy-Devereux
Faculty - Marketing

Latest feedback

Recent experiences

Douglas College
Douglas College
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Customer Analysis & Relationship Building = Sales/Revenue


Feb 13, 2025 - Apr 4, 2025

How well do you know your customers? Are you targeting the RIGHT customers? Do you waste resources on low-value or unprofitable customers? Here’s how our students can help, by: analyzing your customer data/database(s); extrapolating your 3 best customer segment opportunities; creating 3 unique customer profiles / ‘relationship policies’; and, developing targeted, segment-specific promotional strategies. Based on your organization’s individual needs, this outline can be adapted.

Matches 1
Category Data analysis + 4
Douglas College
Douglas College
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Customer Analysis & Relationship Building = Sales/Revenue


Oct 17, 2024 - Dec 4, 2024

How well do you know your customers? Are you targeting the RIGHT customers? Do you waste resources on low-value or unprofitable customers? Here’s how our students can help, by: analyzing your customer data/database(s); extrapolating your 3 best customer segment opportunities; creating 3 unique customer profiles / ‘relationship policies’; and, developing targeted, segment-specific promotional strategies. Based on your organization’s individual needs, this outline can be adapted.

Matches 1
Category Data analysis + 4
Douglas College
Douglas College
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Customer Analysis & Relationship Building = Sales/Revenue


Feb 15, 2023 - Apr 6, 2023

How well do you know your customers? Are you targeting the RIGHT customers? Do you waste resources on low-value or unprofitable customers? Here’s how our students can help, by: analyzing your customer data/database(s); extrapolating your three best customer segment opportunities; creating three unique customer profiles / ‘relationship policies’; and, developing targeted, segment-specific promotional strategies. Based on your organization’s individual needs, this outline can be adapted.

Matches 1
Category Customer segmentation + 4
Douglas College
Douglas College
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Customer Analysis & Relationship Building = Sales/Revenue


Feb 15, 2024 - Apr 6, 2024

How well do you know your customers? Are you targeting the RIGHT customers? Do you waste resources on low-value or unprofitable customers? Here’s how our students can help, by: analyzing your customer data/database(s); extrapolating your three best customer segment opportunities; creating three unique customer profiles / ‘relationship policies’; and, developing targeted, segment-specific promotional strategies. Based on your organization’s individual needs, this outline can be adapted.

Matches 1
Category Data analysis + 4