- Portals
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Latest feedback
Team feedback

Individual endorsement
Neha was an amazing addition to the team. Both enthusiastic and talented.
Team feedback

Team feedback

Recent projects

BetterLTC - Older Adult Services Environmental Scan
Project: Our work is situated in older adults, long-term care, education, and practice. We are currently involved in establishing the Nav-CARE program in Saskatchewan that requires an environmental scan of older adult services in Saskatoon, Warman, and the Qu'Appelle Valley. The focus is on supporting older adults (target population persons living with dementia or complex health conditions in community) and their carers to continue to grow older in their choice of place.

BetterLTC - Communication and Website Support
Too many good ideas, and not enough hands or expertise in the patient-oriented research team with a focus on caring with older adults, their close ones, and health care staff within the long-term care setting. At the end of this project, your team will complete the redesign of the BetterLTC.ca website, informed by the marketing report provided by the Schulich School of Business student team.

Data Assistant
The main goal for this project is to identify trends and provide analysis of our survey responses as well as data provided in the literature. The data will be located in an Excel sheet and the analysis will include but not limited to pivot tables, line and pie and bar graphs.