Vern Raincock
Vern Raincock
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Economic Viability Analysis of Pyrolysis and Gasification Products from Woody Biomass

Integrated.Travel Research and Development is seeking to determine the most profitable products derived from the pyrolysis or gasification of woody biomass, specifically sourced from forest fire fuel reduction efforts. The goal is to identify products that can be economically viable without relying on carbon credits. This project will involve analyzing various products generated through these processes, evaluating their market potential, and comparing their profitability. Students will apply their knowledge of chemical engineering, environmental science, and market analysis to assess the economic feasibility of these products. The project aims to provide a comprehensive report that includes a cost-benefit analysis, market trends, and recommendations for the most profitable products.Key tasks include:- Researching pyrolysis and gasification processes and their by-products.- Conducting a market analysis for potential products.- Performing a cost-benefit analysis to determine economic viability.- Compiling findings into a detailed report with recommendations.

Matches 0
Category Chemical engineering + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Feasibility Analysis of Long-Distance Rail Service: Montana to Colorado

Integrated.Travel Research and Development seeks to explore the feasibility of establishing a long-distance rail service connecting Montana and Colorado, with key stops in Sheridan, Gillette, and Cheyenne in Wyoming. The project aims to assess the potential demand, economic viability, and logistical considerations of this proposed rail service. Learners will apply their classroom knowledge in transportation planning, economic analysis, and geographic information systems (GIS) to evaluate various aspects of the project. The goal is to provide a comprehensive analysis that will inform Integrated.Travel's decision-making process regarding the potential implementation of this rail service. The project will involve data collection, stakeholder analysis, route planning, and cost-benefit analysis.

Matches 0
Category Data analysis + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Economic Viability Analysis of Algae-Based Products

Integrated.Travel Research and Development is exploring the potential of algae as a high-volume production resource, not only for sustainable aviation fuel but also for other economically viable products. The goal of this project is to identify and analyze the most profitable products that can be derived from algae, considering factors such as market demand, production costs, and environmental impact. Learners will apply their classroom knowledge in biotechnology, economics, and environmental science to conduct a comprehensive analysis. The project will involve researching existing algae-based products, evaluating their economic viability, and recommending the top candidates for further development.Key tasks include:- Conducting a literature review on algae-based products.- Analyzing market trends and demand for these products.- Assessing production costs and potential profitability.- Evaluating the environmental impact of producing these products.

Matches 0
Category Biotechnology + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Optimizing Desalination and Pipeline Systems for South Texas

The South Texas Water Development Private Utilities LLC (STWDPULLC) is initiating the construction of a large-scale regional seawater desalination plant and a 54” pipeline system from Brownsville to Laredo, Texas. This project aims to address the urgent water needs in Region "M" by leveraging existing data on desalination water quality and optimizing processes for cost-effectiveness. The project involves researching the chemical composition of Gulf of Mexico seawater, determining which chemicals can be utilized or sold, and identifying cost-effective specifications for the pipeline distribution system. Additionally, the project will assess the environmental impact of building a large-scale desalination plant. The goal is to provide a comprehensive analysis that will guide the construction and operation of the desalination plant and pipeline system.

Matches 0
Category Civil engineering + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Optimizing Seawater Desalination for South Texas

The South Texas Water Development Private Utilities LLC (STWDPULLC) is embarking on a critical project to construct a large-scale regional seawater desalination plant and a 54” pipeline system from Brownsville to Laredo, Texas. This initiative aims to address the urgent water needs in Region "M" by leveraging existing data on desalination water quality and optimizing processes for cost-effectiveness. The project involves researching the chemical composition of Gulf of Mexico seawater, determining which chemicals can be utilized or sold, and identifying cost-effective specifications for the pipeline distribution system. Additionally, the project will assess the environmental impact of building a large-scale desalination plant. The goal is to provide actionable insights and recommendations that will guide the construction and operation of the desalination plant and pipeline system.

Matches 0
Category Civil engineering + 3
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Optimizing Seawater Desalination and Distribution for South Texas

The South Texas Water Development Private Utilities LLC (STWDPULLC) ( STWDPU ( )STXWDPU is embarking on the construction of a large-scale regional seawater desalination plant and a 54” pipeline system from Brownsville to Laredo, Texas. This project aims to address the urgent water needs in Region "M" by leveraging existing data on desalination water quality and optimizing processes for cost-effectiveness. The project involves researching the chemical composition of Gulf of Mexico seawater, determining which chemicals can be utilized or sold, and identifying cost-effective specifications for the pipeline distribution system. Additionally, the project will assess the environmental impact of building a large-scale desalination plant.

Matches 0
Category Chemical engineering + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Building Information Modelling (BIM) - Creating a Comprehensive BIM Model for a Mid-Sized Transportation Hub in LA

The main goal of this project is to create a comprehensive Building Information Modelling (BIM) model for a passenger Transportation Hub in LA. The central station will incorporate a link to the Airport, Regional Rail to Yellowstone & Calgary, etc.Preference is for the team to identify up to 3 suitable sites for the integrated Travel center..This includes developing a detailed digital representation of the building's physical and functional characteristics, integrating various systems (architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing), and ensuring the model is coordinated and clash-free.

Matches 1
Category Interior design
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Rio Grande Valley Passenger Rail Feasibility Study

The Rio Grande Valley Passenger Rail Feasibility Study aims to evaluate the potential for a new passenger rail service in the Rio Grande Valley region. The project will involve conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to identify the most beneficial and cost-effective routes for the rail service. Students will analyze population data to determine the best areas for ridership and assess the environmental impact of the proposed rail routes. Additionally, the project will require identifying suitable locomotives and estimating overall project costs. The goal is to provide a detailed feasibility study that will help Integrated.Travel Research and Development make informed decisions about the viability of the passenger rail project. This study will involve close collaboration with the project administration team to ensure that all goals and timelines are met.

Matches 0
Category Civil engineering + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Rio Grande Valley Passenger Rail Feasibility Study

The Rio Grande Valley Passenger Rail Feasibility Study aims to evaluate the potential for a new passenger rail service in the Rio Grande Valley region. The project will involve conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to identify the most beneficial and cost-effective routes for the rail service. Students will analyze population data to determine the best areas for ridership and assess the environmental impact of the proposed rail routes. Additionally, the project will require identifying suitable locomotives and estimating overall project costs. The goal is to provide a detailed feasibility study that will help Integrated.Travel Research and Development make informed decisions about the viability of the passenger rail project. This study will involve close collaboration with the project administration team to ensure that all goals and timelines are met.

Matches 4
Category Civil engineering + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Sponsorship Attraction Strategy for ITRD

Integrated Travel Research and Development (ITRD) is seeking to enhance its research efforts in transportation, net-zero technologies, regional economic development, and the socio-economic benefits of frequent, affordable, and reliable passenger rail services to rural and indigenous communities. To achieve this, ITRD needs to attract corporate, private, and public sponsorship. The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive sponsorship attraction strategy that highlights the value and impact of ITRD's research initiatives. The project will involve analyzing potential sponsors, crafting compelling sponsorship proposals, and creating a marketing plan to engage and secure sponsorships. This will enable ITRD to continue its vital research and contribute to sustainable and equitable transportation solutions.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Global Awareness Campaign for Federation of Beer

Federation of Beer has been successfully brewing and distributing Star Trek themed ales in Europe and North America since 2010. With a recent shift towards supporting local brewers and suppliers, the company has pivoted its business practices to promote hyper-local brewing. Despite positive feedback from face-to-face interactions with consumers and Star Trek fans, there is a growing concern that many potential customers are unaware of Federation of Beer's story and its efforts to support local breweries. Additionally, with the expansion into 88 new countries in 2022, there is a significant opportunity to increase the global exposure of these award-winning craft brewers. The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive global awareness campaign to enhance the visibility of Federation of Beer and its local brewery collaborations.

Matches 1
Category Marketing strategy + 3
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Community Engagement Enhancement for Research Dissemination

Integrated.Travel Research and Development, a non-profit organization, aims to improve community engagement as it commissions and releases transportation, technical, and socio-economic studies into the public domain. The challenge lies in effectively reaching and involving diverse community members to ensure that the research has a meaningful impact. The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive strategy that leverages digital platforms, social media, and community events to enhance public awareness and participation. By applying classroom knowledge in marketing, communication, and public relations, learners will create a plan that not only disseminates information but also fosters active community involvement.Key tasks include:- Conducting a needs assessment to understand community engagement gaps.- Developing a multi-channel communication strategy.- Creating content and promotional materials.- Planning and proposing community events or webinars.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 2
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Viability of Frequent, Affordable & Reliable Passenger Rail and inter-city busing in Alberta and Montana / ENTR 4433 Business Plan Development

Project Description: [Viability of Frequent, Affordable & Reliable Passenger Rail and inter-city busing in Alberta and Montana]Welcome to Integrated Travel Research and Development ! We are thrilled to present an exciting opportunity for talented MRU Business students to contribute to our innovative project, "The Viability of Frequent, Affordable & Reliable Passenger Rail and inter-city busing in Alberta and Montana". How should we finance a pilot project? Is there an opportunity to issue shares?Main Goal:The primary objective of this project is to build a comprehensive business plan. We want students to not only understand the significance of their contributions but also feel confident that the project is manageable within a realistic timeframe from September 20, 2024 - December 10, 2024.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Engineering Feasibility Study for Rail-Based Automobile Transport

The Triangle Railroad Holding Company seeks an engineering study to evaluate the current equipment used for loading, offloading, and transporting passenger vehicles via rail. The goal is to determine the feasibility of integrating personal automobile ferrying into their passenger rail service. This study will involve a comprehensive analysis of the types of equipment required, the costs associated with setup and maintenance over a 20-year period, and the maximum weight and size limitations of the rail ferry equipment. Additionally, the study will assess the maximum number of vehicles and rail flatcars that can be hauled per train set, the required annual number of passenger vehicles to be hauled to cover costs, and the distance needed to justify the transport of vehicle sets. The impact of ramp-up and ramp-off times on rail service will also be evaluated.

Matches 3
Category Civil engineering + 3
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Feasibility Study of Semi-Truck Transport via Rail

Integrated.Travel Research and Development is tasked with conducting an engineering and feasibility study for the Triangle Railroad Holding Company. The project aims to evaluate the current equipment used for loading, offloading, and transporting semi-trucks on rail. The study will also assess the feasibility of this transportation method. The goal is to provide a comprehensive analysis that includes the types of equipment required, budget estimates for setup, and annual maintenance costs over a 20-year period. Additionally, the study will determine the maximum weight limit per truck set, the maximum number of truck sets that can be hauled per train set, the required annual number of truck sets hauled to cover costs, and the distance needed to justify the transportation costs.

Matches 1
Category Civil engineering + 3
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Alberta and Montana Transportation Data Framework Projects

The main goal for the project is to develop a framework to capture data from public sources such as cities, counties, provinces, and federal government transportation departments in Canada. The data will then be organized, analyzed, and provided as regular updates to transportation designers and engineers within the public and private sector. This will involve several different steps for the team, including:- Collaborating with transportation departments to understand data sources and formats.- Designing and implementing a data capture framework that can collect and organize data from multiple sources.- Developing an analysis platform to process and analyze the captured data.- Creating a user interface for transportation designers and engineers to access and utilize the analyzed data.- Establishing a regular update schedule for the data to ensure it remains current and relevant.

Matches 1
Category Cloud technologies + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Data Analytics Strategy for Transportation Equity

The main goal for the project is to develop and implement a “Data Analytics Strategy” to offer support to indigenous and rural communities which do not have equitable access to cellphone and GIS data for transportation planning. This strategy will involve the development of a “Social Media data extraction” to estimate transit and passenger rail ridership, economic development opportunities, and gaps in rural community infrastructure. The data will be leveraged to predict impacts to rural and indigenous communities and shared with community leaders to benefit future planning decisions and local economic development initiatives.

Matches 5
Category Data analysis + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Feasibility Study for Calgary-Livingston Passenger and Parcel Rail Service

The main goal of the project is to conduct a feasibility study for the establishment of an international passenger and tourism rail service connecting Calgary to Livingston, Montana. The study will also explore the incorporation of same day and/or overnight parcel services to support online retailers, as well as the necessary coordination and regulatory requirements for the seamless operation of the service. Additionally, the project aims to explore the potential for indigenous investment and service design recommendations, as well as the development of proprietary Technology Integration IP for potential licensing to other international passenger rail operators.

Matches 1
Category Market expansion + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Alberta to Montana Regional Rail Service Development

The main goal of the project is to conduct a Corridor Identification Study for the development of a regional passenger rail service connecting Alberta to Montana. The study will focus on recommending the preferred service level, frequency, performance, technology, and equity for the rail service. The project also aims to estimate the impact of daily passenger rail service on the tourism zone in Alberta and Montana, as well as to determine the sustainability of the international service and its potential to induce increased tourism within the communities it serves.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Governance Approach for Passenger Rail Authority in Alberta

The main goal for the project is to investigate and recommend a governance approach for the creation of a Passenger Rail Authority in Alberta. The authority's mission is to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of transportation in the province, reporting to the Alberta Ministry of Transportation. The project will also explore a Metrolinx-like model for the passenger rail system and outline the governance models, program resource requirements, and workforce framework/requirements for all stages of passenger rail in Alberta.

Matches 0
Category Investment + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Sustainable Financial Model and Procurement Strategy for Passenger Rail Activities

The main goal for the project is to develop a sustainable financial model for passenger rail activities in Alberta, as well as to investigate and recommend procurement and management approaches to plan, budget, deliver, operate, and manage the rail activities. The project also aims to assess the financial impacts and risks to the Province of Alberta related to the implementation of the sustainable financial model and procurement strategy.

Matches 0
Category Product or service launch + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Integrated & Comprehensive Transportation Feasibility Assessment Project

The main goal for the project is to conduct a comprehensive feasibility assessment for the implementation of the "Rail for All" approach in Alberta. This includes developing outcomes, measures, and targets, conducting feasibility assessments for ridership/mode split and social/economic benefits, and investigating propulsion options for sustainable and responsible transportation.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

AADT Analysis and Emissions Study for Integrated Travel

The main goal for the project is to conduct an AADT (Average Annual Daily Traffic) analysis specific to the Calgary to Edmonton corridor and the towns/cities in between, focusing on traffic analysis of hwy 2 & 2A for growth over the years, recovery after the pandemic, and emissions. This will involve:- Collecting and analyzing traffic data for hwy 2 & 2A, including AADT and emissions data.- Identifying trends and patterns in traffic growth and emissions over the years.- Assessing the impact of the pandemic on traffic and emissions in the region.- Developing recommendations for sustainable transportation options and emission reduction strategies.Highway traffic counts |

Matches 1
Category Market research + 4
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Integrated.Travel Research and Development
Mission, Texas, United States

Is there Equity of Application of Economic Development Projects in Rural and Indigenous Communities

The main goal is to identify whether Indigenous and rural infrastructure needs are being met by provincial and federal agencies. Are Economic Development Projects promptly approved to ensure residents within rural and indigenous communities have equal access to:water/sewer upgrades, frequent and affordable inter-city transportationhousingemployment

Matches 3
Category Project management + 4