Dahlia Mandel
Dahlia Mandel She / Her
Your Sweet Spot Life
Your Sweet Spot Life
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Editing a Novel About Love, Loss, and Self-Discovery

The project is to edit a novel called Where The Light Lives is about a young woman named Scarlet Graham who is from Prince Edward Island. She has just finished her teaching program and is going to Alberta to start her first job. She falls in love with the principal Eli Stone of the school she is teaching at. The novel is a the start of a multi-generational series of love, loss, and self-discovery in Kananaskis Country Alberta. This project will involve several different steps for the students, including:Adding additional elements to the novel to help flesh out the story and characters.Editing the novel to ensure it is cohesive and well-written.Checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.Reading and understanding the novel.Note: This is not a ghost writing situation you will get full credit as a contributor/ cowriter/editor of the book in the event of it being published.

Matches 1
Category Creative writing
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Data Entry

Our company reaches out to hundreds of prospect every year to validate if they are a fit for our business. Within these companies lie multiple personas which fit into our ICP.We would like to collaborate with students in data entry.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our database structure.Transferring data into our databases efficiently.Verifying the accuracy of the data in our databases and making relevant updates.Organizing and retrieving data as requested.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Providing assistance in creating new databases.

Matches 1
Category Databases + 3
Mindfulness Council of Canada
Mindfulness Council of Canada
Port Hope, Ontario, Canada

Bulletin and Blog Writer

Our organization is passionate about promoting mindfulness.We would like to collaborate with students to develop and write a blog promoting our cause and growing awareness.The bulletin is to our update our community on upcoming events and items for celebration.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Conducting background research on the cause.Brainstorming topics.Setting, coordinating, and maintaining deadlines.Creating materials to be published and making revisions based on feedback.Proofreading drafts of bulletins and recommending areas for improvement.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending other ways to increase awareness about our cause.

Matches 1
Category Community engagement + 2
Natanya Coaching
Natanya Coaching
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Storytelling - Level Up

I would like students to help me to create content that is aligned with my vision, mission, and sector. I will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for my company. I am looking for an intern to write a story, or a series of short-stories from the point of view of a person with migraine, and perhaps from the point of view of a family member of someone with migraine. The aim is is to two-fold: reduce isolation for those with migraine, and to raise awareness in the general population.

Matches 2
Category Social media marketing + 4
Robymisterdrums Enterpise
Robymisterdrums Enterpise
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Adventure Book Editing Project

The main goal for the project is to edit an action adventure book about a young man from Nova Scotia who travels the world.The project will involve the following tasks for the learners:Reviewing the existing manuscript and identifying areas for improvement in terms of plot, character development, and overall coherence.Editing the manuscript for grammar, punctuation, and style to ensure a polished final product.Collaborating with the author to incorporate any necessary changes and revisions.Providing feedback and suggestions for enhancing the overall storytelling and reader engagement.

Matches 1
Category Creative writing