Blogging on the Women Participation in Sports in Canada

Centre Solaris
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dmitri Boudovitch
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Marketing Creative writing Social media marketing Media
blog posts marketing solaris (operating system) blogs
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Centre Solaris is a charitable organization that caters to low-income families. The organization has launched a program to increase sports participation for equity disadvantaged groups including women, girls, the disabled, and LGBTQ2I+.

We would like to collaborate with students to create blog posts that explore women's participation in sports in Canada. The blogs should raise the issues of sports equality, barriers to participation, and policies to encourage sports participation.

This will involve several different steps for the students, including:

  • Familiarizing themselves with our goals, subject matter, and social challenges of women's participation in sports.
  • Recommending topics for our blog posts.
  • Drafting blog posts relevant to our cause
  • Revising blog posts based on feedback.

Bonus steps in the process would also include:

  • Recommending ways to market our blog.
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, students should demonstrate:

  • Familiarity with our goals, subject matter, and social challenges of women's participation in sports.
  • Recommendation of blog post topics
  • Drafts for relevant blog posts
  • Revisions of blog posts

Bonus steps would include:

  • Recommending blog marketing strategies

Final deliverables should include

  • Blog posts.

Students will be assigned a subtopic depending on the company's needs.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

Students will connect directly with us for mentorship throughout the project. We will be able to provide answers to questions such as:

  • Our goals
  • Input on choices, problems or anything else the students might encounter.
About the company

The mission of the organization is to promote active and healthy life among underprivileged kids from families with low income, to provide relief from poverty by supplying food and other basic supplies to persons of low income, and to render assistance to the low-income unemployed to find jobs and self­employment. The clientele comes from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.