Training Module Development - Mobile technologies

Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
Nerea Sanchez
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
training and development
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We want to be known as an organization that values the development of our people and also that shares knowledge with the network. To assist us in this goal, we would like to collaborate with students to design trainings. The high-level training design should be based on our provided objectives and include templates, processes, strategy, and implementation guidelines. We have an idea of areas where training could be implemented, but we would also appreciate insight on recommended training and development areas.

Areas of particular interest to us include:

  • New employee training
  • New product training
  • Security procedure training
  • Diversity training
  • Online training about general benefits of use of mobile technologies
  • Demo sessions or webinars about our products

However, we are open to the preference of the group about the aboves or new subjects.

About the company

We are an IT company, specialized in mobile app developments, IoT, API integrations and automation. We are experts in mobile app development for Android and iOS in devices such as smartphones, tablets and smartwatches. Since 2012, our main goal is to provide businesses with the best and the highest quality IT Software Solutions in order to solve their challenges and improve the way they do business. *** Industries such as Health, Transportation, Banking, Smartcities, Retail. Ultimately, end consumers and employees use technology through mobile. This layer (mobile) really near to the user is the one we work in. Strong expertise on app integration with company resources (ERP, CRM, ...). ** Working with technologies such as NFC, QR codes, Bluetooth, Proximity beacons, GPS positioning.