Client Satisfaction Survey Analysis and Infographic - Level Up

Coordinator, Quality Improvement
Academic experience or paid work
50 hours per learner
Intermediate level

Project scope

Data visualization Data analysis Graphic design Community engagement
communication infographics mental health

Who we are: A non-profit organization providing mental health and addictions services to adults in the Sudbury and Manitoulin districts.

Our current challenge: We would like to share client satisfaction survey results in an engaging and meaningful way, however our organization does not have the internal capacity.

Our desired outcome: The analysis and communication of previously collected client satisfaction data in both a summary report and visually appealing infographic, which can be shared with clients, staff, and partners/ funders.

Student's day to day:

  • Analyze client satisfaction survey data (both quantitative and qualitative).
  • Create a visually appealing and accessible way of presenting it.
  • Weekly touch point to engage and exchange ideas.
No deliverables exist for this project.

Will provide mentorship on an as needed basis.

About the company

Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
0 - 1 employees
Hospital, health, wellness & medical

The Canadian Mental Health Association – Sudbury/Manitoulin (CMHA-S/M) is a not-for-profit organization that serves the Greater Sudbury and Manitoulin areas. CMHA-S/M’s goal is to support individuals who identify themselves with mental health and addictions related issues in our communities. Public education/information and referral offers a range of educational, health promotion, and community development services including referrals to community services, crisis response, brief services, and supportive counselling. Housing services provides rent supplement support to people with a serious mental illness who need assistance in locating housing or who would benefit from ongoing housing support. Community Support Services offers recovery groups and case management, vocational and employment supports, mental health court outreach, family support, and central referral coordination.