UI / UX exploration of experience-project hierarchy from learner point of view

Project scope
UI design UX design Branding & style guidesSkills
user experience (ux) user interface testing design tool usability testing prototyping user interface (ui) usabilityRiipen would like to explore improving the usability of our platform for learners by improving the way they interact with experiences and projects.
(Note: in DTTP, an experience = a Program)
On Riipen, an experience is created by an educator or administrator and describes all the parameters of the experiential learning engagement. It includes the learner audience information, the number of projects desired, the types of projects desired, and information about learner capabilities.
The educator matches projects with the experience in the Riipen marketplace and approves them for their learners.
Once learners access the platform, their access to projects is determined by which experience (again in DTTP context, which "Program") they are given membership to.
This leads to some confusion from learners and issues we would like to address in their user experience.
- To a learner, the purpose of the experience is unclear. Their main interest is in projects, and the experience itself serves an unclear role in their user journey.
- The hierarchy of project-experience is unclear
- The experience can feel like an unnecessary hurdle that they need to join or once joined, click on in order to view approved projects. They'd prefer more direct access to projects.
As Riipen, we'd love to hear these problems examined by a student team looking at the user experience and to hear your perspective on solutions.
- This could include conducting UX/UI testing with other DTTP students, as they are also users of this platform and providing an analysis of the key issues. This could also include producing low or high fidelity mockups of your proposed solutions.
In order to be successful, students should:
- Familiarize themselves with our existing product
- Familiarize themselves with a design tool of their choosing and understand how it works. We strongly recommend Figma.
- Present the final design screens to us with the context of all their choices they made, problems they encountered, and next steps they recommend.
Bonus steps would include:
- Conducting any sort of user testing on the prototypes to ensure ease of use and to collect user feedback.
Final deliverables should include
- The design screens and all assets in a shareable format
- A presentation as stated above of the final designs
Students will connect directly with us for mentorship throughout the project. We will be able to provide answers to questions such as:
- Current product understanding
- Industry standard design tools and applications
- Any sort of branding or styling advice
- Input on choices, problems or anything else the students might encounter
About the company
Riipen’s project-based learning platform leverages thousands of business and nonprofit partnerships to help higher education easily implement and scale projects that enhance learner employability.