Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Company website
Year established
Number of employees
51 - 200 employees

Riipen’s Virtual Project-Based Learning Platform leverages thousands of business and nonprofit partnerships to help higher education easily implement and scale projects that enhance learner employability.



Recent projects

Pen Testing New Application

Riipen has recently created a whole new product for our users. You are currently on it! We would like a group of students to design and perform a pen test on this application. The final deliverable should include a written report detailing how the test was conducted, what tests passed, what tests failed, recommendations for mitigation strategies, and any further notes from the testers.For the actual testing, instead of using a live environment, a test environment will be provided to students so they can test without fear of actually damaging any real systems.A walk through of the UI portal, as well as the technical details of the API will be provided to students before they begin testing.

Admin Jordan Ell
Matches 9
Category Security (cybersecurity and IT security) + 2

Cloud Infrastructure Review and Audit

The main goal of the project will be to take an existing cloud architecture for a modern web application, review and audit it against industry standards for security, scalability, availability and consider other factors such as pricing and produce either a proof of concept or a written report which details possible improvements and different services which can be better utilized to improve the cloud architecture.

Admin Jordan Ell
Matches 3
Category Hardware

UI / UX exploration of experience-project hierarchy from learner point of view

Riipen would like to explore improving the usability of our platform for learners by improving the way they interact with experiences and projects.(Note: in DTTP, an experience = a Program)On Riipen, an experience is created by an educator or administrator and describes all the parameters of the experiential learning engagement. It includes the learner audience information, the number of projects desired, the types of projects desired, and information about learner capabilities.The educator matches projects with the experience in the Riipen marketplace and approves them for their learners.Once learners access the platform, their access to projects is determined by which experience (again in DTTP context, which "Program") they are given membership to.This leads to some confusion from learners and issues we would like to address in their user experience.To a learner, the purpose of the experience is unclear. Their main interest is in projects, and the experience itself serves an unclear role in their user journey.The hierarchy of project-experience is unclearThe experience can feel like an unnecessary hurdle that they need to join or once joined, click on in order to view approved projects. They'd prefer more direct access to projects.As Riipen, we'd love to hear these problems examined by a student team looking at the user experience and to hear your perspective on solutions.

Admin Shokoufeh Moradi
Matches 1
Category Branding & style guides + 2

Student project template design and writing

Our company Riipen, has a web application in which educators match with companies to provide a project based learning opportunity for their students. Companies craft and create projects based on their real world company needs which would be great learning opportunities for the students. To help this process, Riipen also provide companies with project templates which they can use to get the ball rolling. These project templates are usually generic projects which could be applied to a specific company or a specific industry which then the company takes and updates and makes specific to their needs.We are currently in the process of trying to create even more project templates in which our companies would use to further provide more learning experiences for students. We would like help in crafting these project templates and who better to do it than the people who will benefit the most from the projects.

Admin Jordan Ell
Matches 1
Category Creative writing + 2

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