EduTutor - Game Design - GDD

Project scope
Software developmentSkills
mathematics marketing game designThe main goal for the project is to have a team of Game Design students create the wires for a new educational game that will help students with their math skills. In order to do this project, the team must create a Game Design Document (GDD). The team must meet with the CEO, marketing team and teachers to determine the features in the game that will help high school with their math.
Students will need to prepare a Game Design Document and outline the scope of building an educational game for K-12 students. Based on the information provided by EduTutor, the GDD will be comprised of various sections including characters, the game background, monetization, and other factors that need to be considered when building a game.
Students will be supported by the CEO of the company as well as other game designers. All meetings will take place online through Zoom or through the use of Slack and email.
About the company
EduTutor is a social venture whose goal is to provide affordable and quality tutoring for students. Our other mandate is to provide BIPOC university and college students the opportunity to teach our clients and to learn how to teach from professional instructors.