Website and Content Creation for Start-up Sports Nutrition Company

Humane Gains
River John, Nova Scotia, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Videography Lead generation Search engine optimization Creative writing Social media marketing
ethical standards and conduct blog posts animal welfare content creation sports nutrition motivational skills english language social media article (publishing) writing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?


[Be sure to include details about your organization’s culture to sum up why a student would love to work with you/N’oubliez pas d’ajouter des détails sur la culture de votre organisation pour résumer pourquoi un étudiant voudrait collaborer avec vous.]

  • Humane Gains is a health and fitness nutrition supplement start-up company. We are family-owned and our mission is to help people reach their health and fitness goals while supporting and promoting the ethical treatment of animals via ethically sourced nutrition supplements. Any animal-derived ingredient that is found within our nutrition supplements will be sourced from humane certified farms and suppliers and our products will boast a third party humane certification on the product labels.
  • We are seeking eager, motivated students to help us develop content for our website, social media and lead magnets (ie, recipe compilation, blog posts, written articles, videos, how-to one-pagers, etc) in the topics of health, fitness, protein supplementation, ethical eating, and animal welfare education.


  • Developing blog posts and short, written articles in the aforementioned topic areas
  • Developing a ~20 5-star protein powder recipe compilation e-book/PDF
  • Smaller project activities as time allows may include: finding/creating memes with the aforementioned topics, assisting staff in designing challenges, finding creating motivational memes, etc.


Please note appropriate projects can accommodate most students, regardless of field of study or experience. We may not be able to fill these roles exactly.

Veuillez noter que les projets appropriés peuvent accueillir la plupart des étudiants, quel que soit leur domaine d'études ou leur expérience. Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas remplir ces rôles exactement.

  • Blog/article writing (English)
  • Content creator
  • Possible video content (if skillsets of students support)


  • Recipe compilation e-book/PDF consisting of ~20 existing 5-star recipes with protein powder
  • Blog/article posts (1000-1500 words) around specific topics within the aforementioned topic areas (specific blog post topics to be provided by the project mentor (possible blog topic options may also be discussed/brainstormed with mentor and student)
  • Compilation/development of motivational memes, or memes related to the aforementioned topic areas.

WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS YOUR PROJECT COULD ACCOMMODATE?/QUEL EST LE NOMBRE MAXIMUM D'ÉTUDIANTS QUE VOTRE PROJET PEUT ACCUEILLIR? * Please note we cannot guarantee this number of students for your project, but we will do our best to accommodate this request/Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons garantir ce nombre d'étudiants pour votre projet; nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à votre requête.

  • 2
About the company

Humane Gains is a health and fitness nutrition supplement start-up company. We are family-owned and our mission is to help people reach their health and fitness goals while supporting and promoting the ethical treatment of animals via ethically sourced nutrition supplements. Any animal-derived ingredient that is found within our nutrition supplements will be sourced from Certified Humane farms and suppliers; our customers can rest assured we are compliant with Certified Humane standards as our products will have earned the Certified Humane logo which will proudly be displayed on our product labels and is the very foundation to our brand's existence. We are seeking eager, motivated students with strong skills in creative/blog/article writing and/or videography to create content that aligns with our values for ethical nutrition, and who are excited to be a part of a start-up fitness nutrition supplement company about to make waves in the industry in a currently untapped opportunity.