Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Appy.yo provides small to medium business with an ability to join a digital world.

Number of employees
0 - 1 employees
Company website
Mobile app development
It & computing

Recent projects

Fitness and Physio App Development

The main goal for the project is to develop a fitness and physio app that incorporates physiotherapy and fitness into a daily routine. The app should allow users to stretch specific muscles and exclude injuries. Physiotherapists should be able to use the app to build routines, while people can use it on a daily basis to stretch specific muscles.

Admin Nadia Hosseinzadeh
Matches 1
Category Biotechnology + 2

Appy.Yo and Innovation lab Marketing

Appy.yo is designed to change how we work with customers and provides support to small, medium and local business. Our mission is to provide a seamless platform that brings together consumers and businesses, fostering a convenient and efficient marketplace. Appy.yo makes digital transformation accesible to everyone and supports the business. It also creates new and innovative apps. Looking to do marketing for: Appy.yo and the innovation lab products:

Admin Nadia Hosseinzadeh
Matches 4
Category Advertising + 4

Cookful Rebranding Initiative

Appy.Yo, a company specializing in digital culinary experiences, is undergoing a rebranding process to transition from its current name, Cookful, . The goal of this project is to update the company's digital assets to reflect the new brand identity. This includes revising the logo, website, social media profiles, and any other digital touchpoints. The project provides an opportunity for learners to apply their knowledge of digital marketing, graphic design, and branding strategies. The team will work collaboratively to ensure that the new brand identity is cohesive and effectively communicates the company's vision. The project is designed to be completed within 80 hours, allowing learners to gain practical experience in a real-world rebranding scenario.

Admin Nadia Hosseinzadeh
Matches 0
Category Branding & style guides + 2

Redesign Appy.Yo Website Coding and UI/UX

The main goal for the project is to redesign the Appy.Yo website coding and improve the user interface and user experience. This will involve updating the website's backend coding to enhance performance and security, as well as revamping the front-end UI/UX to provide a more visually appealing and user-friendly experience for small to medium businesses looking to join the digital world.

Admin Nadia Hosseinzadeh
Matches 2
Category Website development + 2

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