B2C E-Commerce Service Launch - ReturnPal

ReturnPal Courier Service
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Market research Market expansion Product or service launch Marketing strategy
target audience content strategy pay per click digital marketing search engine optimization business-to-consumer timelines
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal of the project is to comprehensively assess, improve, and optimize your organization's web and e-commerce presence. The objective is to provide you with a detailed report and actionable plan that enhances your digital footprint across various online platforms. This will involve reviewing your current online status, conducting SWOT-TOWS analyses, recommending suitable platforms for growth, and developing a digital marketing plan encompassing SEO, PPC, and content strategies. Ultimately, the project aims to empower your organization with a well-defined online strategy and actionable tactics that drive increased engagement, visibility, and success in the digital realm

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

To achieve the project goal of enhancing the organization's digital footprint and e-commerce presence, learners will need to:

  1. Analyze the current online status, identifying strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Conduct SWOT-TOWS analyses to align internal factors with external opportunities.
  3. Develop a clear online strategy, segmenting the target audience and defining positioning.
  4. Recommend suitable platforms (e-commerce, content, etc.) to support growth.
  5. Create a digital marketing plan including SEO, PPC, and content strategies.
  6. Formulate an implementation Gantt plan with timelines for task execution.
  7. Compile findings into reports, prepare a presentation, and communicate effectively.
  8. Continuously monitor and adjust strategies for ongoing optimization
About the company
  • https://returnpal.ca
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Consumer goods & services, It & computing, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society, Transport, trucking & railroad

At ReturnPal, we strive to simplify every day returns and reviews, simplifying your efforts to simplify your life.