UI UX web design

Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Michael Arty Ghannoum
Owner - Chief Marketing Officer
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Media Visual arts
culinary arts infographics user experience (ux) creativity innovation user interface (ui) branding
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Positions available for interns: 4 : 2 teams of 2

We are looking to hire two successful candidates upon completion of this project

About the company

UFrost, the world’s first instant freezing machine, capable of freezing any substance including alcohol in less than 30 seconds. This patented technology gives the user the power to wield instant freezing without the need for electricity or that of liquid nitrogen. With the capacity to create instantly frozen foods, the device opens up a 4th dimension to the culinary arts, and for the first time in history gives chefs, bar tenders, mixologists, or anyone with the will to create, total control over the manipulation of cold.

Launching first as an event food and beverage provider, Ufrost used its U1 prototype model to offer an array of frozen gastronomical delights to over 300 corporate clients. Specializing in Evolving Cocktails and frozen alcohol infused Glaçons, the Ufrost brand became synonymous with innovation as it elevated the consumption ritual and the aesthetic presentation of haute-gamme spirits. With the capacity to transform shape, texture, and color simultaneously, instant freezing allows for the creation of unique products catered to the branding and personality of any type of entity.

With the democratization of cold, users will no longer need to rely on wastefull appliances and expensive party supplies to cool down their evenings, and offer their guests quality gastronomy. With UFrost, anyone can unlock their creativity and truely, litteraly, create something unique.

Now, in a world without events, UFrost is dedicating its resources to the completion of the U2! A table top model, that holds an integrated tank and houses an automated lever, making it the most user friendly kitchen device in the world. With this comes a sturdy media campaign to excite and attract the masses.

The Project

UFrost is looking to Re-launch its website by making it resonate more with our moto 'Innovate to Fascinate'. We are looking for a student or team of students who are capable of polishing the website with a more attractive look.

The website is currently on Square Space, and we are open for a full relaunch on a new platform.

The Completed Website should have the following elements:

  1. An optimized collection of our cocktail catalogA dynamic library of our performers and artists
  2. An infographic section that explains the product in it's purest form
  3. A section for investors
  4. An aestheically proper and user freindly price estimator for client bookings
  5. A user freindly engagement centered design
  6. An accessible portal to our social media pages
About the company

Founded in june 2016, Ether Innovations is a small and dynamic start-up organization and family business. The two cousin founders, Julien Michalk and Claude-Marie Blanchard, have worked together over the last year to make the impossible possible: freeze alcohol.

Rendre l’impossible possible : Changer l’alcool en glace instantanément.
Ufrost est la première machine à donner le pouvoir incroyable de geler de l’alcool. Grâce à notre technologie brevetée, nous sommes capables de faire geler n’importe quelle boisson ayant un taux d’alcool jusqu’à 40%, en moins de deux minutes sans aucune transformation chimique, ni additifs.