Faith-Based Caregiving Application Market Research

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Data analysis Market research Community engagement Fundraising Public health
caregiving market research research new product development
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to conduct market research to ensure product-market fit for the new faith-based caregiving application, SaraaSits. This will involve understanding the needs and preferences of potential users from various faith backgrounds and identifying the key features and services that would be most valuable to them.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

- Conducting surveys and interviews with individuals from different faith communities to gather insights on their caregiving needs and preferences.

- Analyzing the data collected to identify common themes and patterns across different faith groups.

- Creating a comprehensive report outlining the key findings and recommendations for the development of the faith-based caregiving application.

Final deliverables:

- A detailed report summarizing the market research findings and recommendations for product development.

- Presentation of the research findings and recommendations to the SaraaSits team.

Supported causes
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
About the company

SaraaSits is a faith-based caregiving application connecting working professionals with exceptional and highly trained sitters near them. Services are provided to children as well as older adults.