Gang Prevention PR Campaign - Toronto Police Service

Toronto Police Service
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Marissa Fosse
Senior Analyst
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Communications Social sciences
public relations marketing strategy communcations research
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The Gang Prevention Town Hall Meetings are an initiative of the Toronto Police Service geared towards educating local communities on preventing youth gang involvement. Community attendance at these events tend to fluctuate, with the lowest attendance in places with high gang activity.

The aim of the Town Halls are:

  • To raise awareness of the Toronto Police Service's gang prevention initiative
  • To provide awareness and education on objective youth gang risk factors that are evidence and academically based
  • To connect the local community with social service agencies to mitigate youth gang risk factors with protective factors
  • To identify and empower community leaders with the tools, networks, and support to foster community success from the inside out
  • To gain insight into perceptions, issues and lived experiences of community members impacted by gangs and gang violence
  • To identify gaps in service to provide optimal policing

The outcome of this project should be a Public Relations Campaign that can be implemented immediately, and increase community attendance especially in the areas with high gang activity, and generally to increase public awareness of gang prevention strategies.

About the company

To Serve and Protect.

“We are dedicated to delivering police services, in partnership with our communities, to keep Toronto the best and safest place to be.”

Core Values:

- Service at our Core
- Do the right thing
- Connect with Compassion
- Reflect and Grow