Community Engagement and Moderation

The Teacher App
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Amanda Tanner
Executive Director
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Communications Leadership Community engagement Creative writing Education
marketing accountability communication mental health research community mental health services
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The Teacher App aims to create a virtual one-stop-hub for all teachers and their needs. We want teachers to access the mental health services and resources they need at any given time so that they feel supported enough to be there for their students.

Right now, our Executive Director is looking for communications experts to help with research, implementation, on-boarding teachers to our platform, and various other tasks! We want to be able to have folks checking in on the teachers registered on our platform every single day.

Having a personal interest in mental health and wellbeing is a plus. We're looking for motivated, inspired, students who want to pursue marketing as a future career in order to learn all they can learn here with us!

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

The communications intern(s) will work on enhancing our community on our platform/web application with our marketing team to reach our engagement goals.

-Create a profile on our platform as Staff to interact and engage with users

-Send private welcome messages to users and ensure they are always validated and checked-in on

-Help us reach our goals in terms of numbers of users on our platform, percentage of engagement, and conversion rates for clients/customers.

-Creating buzz for signing up to our platform.

-Sharing resources, tools, tips, community events, etc… with the entire community on the platform.

-Check in periodically with the CEO for accountability and receive support from them.

About the company

Prioritizing Mental Health Education. We are designing a tool that aims to connect teachers across Canada with the support they need to build resiliency within themselves and their students. The Teacher App serves to curate a hub for Canadian teachers where they can feel anchored in order to best support their students in their education. This will serve as a tool that offers teachers access to crucial resources, professional mental health services, and connection with other teachers and classrooms across Canada. Teachers deserve accessible, affordable, and appropriate support for their needs both inside and outside the classroom. What is currently available today is not sufficient for our teachers to thrive in their workplace, let alone our students.