Full Stack Web Development

Sisa Energy Ltd
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Project Manager
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Website development Software development Databases
planning full stack development application programming interface (api) energy audits greenhouse gas systems architecture product requirements software development research innovation
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Sisa energy is an innovative energy auditing company with a mission to help reduce greenhouse gases produced by buildings.

Our company would like to explore software development and open source support for a new product. In advance of any product build, our company spends a good amount of time researching potential technologies, architectures, and how they will fit together to fit our customer’s needs. For this project, we are planning to add new features to our product to better answer our customer’s needs, and we would love to use new talented individuals to help us devise these features.

This will involve:

  • Conduct background research on our product.
  • Adding download button feature
  • Setting up API calls in backend and frontend
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, students should complete the following list of activities:

  • Familiarize themselves with our product and its requirements
  • Investigate and research the most efficient solution for deliverables
  • Plan their work to complete the requirements

Final deliverables should include:

  • A detailed documentation which captures our product requirements against a proposed system architecture and the tools used to fulfill it.
  • Software feature code that they have come up with
  • Present the final software feature to us with the context of all their choices they made, problems they encountered, and next steps they recommend.
About the company

Sisa energy is an innovative energy auditing company with a mission to help reduce greenhouse gases produced by buildings.