Website Development w2v

ReturnPal Courier Service
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Website development
database testing interface design full stack development usability user experience (ux) web development front end (software engineering)
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to develop a full stack website The website should provide a user-friendly interface for customers to easily initiate returns and leave reviews, ultimately simplifying both the customers and the company.

You will be supervised by a 10+ year experience senior developer.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

- Designing and developing the front-end of the website with a focus on user experience and interface design.

- Implementing back-end functionality to handle return initiation and review submission.

- Integrating a database Testing the website for functionality and usability, making necessary improvements based on feedback.

- Deploying the website to a live server for public use.

About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Consumer goods & services, It & computing, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society, Transport, trucking & railroad

At ReturnPal, we strive to simplify every day returns and reviews, simplifying your efforts to simplify your life.