BMS-PC Interface Development

Fetherstill Inc.
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Windsor, Ontario, Canada
  • Academic experience or paid work
UI design UX design Information technology Software development
debugging functional interface communication battery management real time data data integrity graphical user interface user interface (ui) user interface (ui) design software development
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Fetherstill Inc. is seeking the development of a basic interface to connect their Battery Management System (BMS) to any local PC. The primary goal of this project is to enable users to observe and edit data from the BMS through a user-friendly interface. This project will allow learners to apply their knowledge of software development, user interface design, and data communication protocols. The interface should be intuitive, reliable, and capable of displaying real-time data from the BMS while also allowing users to make necessary adjustments. The project will involve tasks such as designing the user interface, establishing communication between the BMS and the PC, and ensuring data integrity and security.

Key tasks include:

- Designing a user-friendly graphical interface.

- Implementing data communication protocols between the BMS and the PC.

- Ensuring real-time data display and edit functionalities.

- Testing and debugging the interface for reliability and security.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

The project deliverables will include a fully functional interface that connects the BMS to a local PC, along with comprehensive documentation and a user manual. The interface should be capable of displaying real-time data and allowing users to edit BMS settings. Additionally, a final report detailing the development process, challenges faced, and solutions implemented will be required.

Key deliverables include:

- A working BMS-PC interface application.

- Comprehensive documentation and user manual.

- A final report on the development process and outcomes.

About the company

We understand that the beating heart of an electric vehicle or any energy storage system is its battery pack. Our team is now undertaking the design and development our own battery module which will be aimed at bringing in the most desired cell chemistry, striking a sound balance between weight, energy density and power, all functioning smoothly with an efficient thermal management system, well suited into our unique design to fulfill the major requirements of efficiency and performance. This module can be scaled to be effectively used in an electric vehicle, along with energy storage applications functioning in any industry from residential/commercial use to passenger transport to construction to agriculture.