MekTek Software Solutions & Engineering
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Lead, Software Solutions
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Cloud technologies UI design Website development Software development Databases
next.js (javascript library) react.js (javascript library) git (version control system) restful api front end design payment processing authentications node.js (javascript library) front end (software engineering) back end (software engineering)
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to develop and improve react-based (or Next.js/Astro.js, etc.) websites. This may involve frontend web development, backend web development, using REST APIs to gather data from 3rd party sources, interacting with cloud databases, and setting-up/modifying authentication and payment systems.

We are looking for people who have at least one of the following specialties/interests:

  1. Frontend or full-stack React/Next.js (or similar) development
  2. Using REST APIs to interact with cloud databases (e.g. Firebase)
  3. Setting-up/modifying authentication & payment processing (e.g. Stripe)

Examples of projects include:

  • Modifying a corporate website
  • Implementing new functionality to an existing webapp (auth, database, dashboard of information, etc.)
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Based on students' specialty, they will:

  1. Create/modify front-end or back-end code
  2. Use/implement REST APIs
  3. Interact with cloud databases
  4. Implement authentication and payment processing

Project deliverables will be source code changes directly saved to a Git repository, along with some documentation of high-level features and technical software requirements.

Supported causes
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Technology, Business & management, It & computing, Marketing & advertising, Travel & tourism

MekTek is a rapidly growing Canadian conglomerate focused on Engineering, Consulting, and Software Solutions. In our software division, we enjoy creating products with a human-centered approach - meaningful products that people can use to make their lives easier and provide value.