Translate Our Web App & Collect French Resources

The Teacher App
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Amanda Tanner
Executive Director
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Digital marketing Creative writing Translation Website development Media
advocacy french language bilingual (french/english) mental health
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We’d love it if somebody could translate our current website and Web App from English to French as a translation project. We are a wellness and mental health advocacy and resource hub for teachers across Canada. We’re also looking for someone to collect French resources in mental health and wellbeing we can publish for our French population.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Translate all pages on our current website/Web App from English to French.

Find up to 100+ resources like articles, videos, sites, and more focused on mental health for educators.

About the company

Prioritizing Mental Health Education. We are designing a tool that aims to connect teachers across Canada with the support they need to build resiliency within themselves and their students. The Teacher App serves to curate a hub for Canadian teachers where they can feel anchored in order to best support their students in their education. This will serve as a tool that offers teachers access to crucial resources, professional mental health services, and connection with other teachers and classrooms across Canada. Teachers deserve accessible, affordable, and appropriate support for their needs both inside and outside the classroom. What is currently available today is not sufficient for our teachers to thrive in their workplace, let alone our students.