Prototype Design: Interactive Remote Learning

Banging Rocks
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Daniel Lindenberger
Founder / CEO / Head Monkey of Evolution
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Humanities Media Education
commercial off-the-shelf quick learning user experience (ux) prototyping
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Available Positions: 1 - 3

Our Company

Banging Rocks uses Emerging Media for positive impact, with an emphasis on transdisciplinary arts.

Interactive Remote Learning

Our founder is developing K-12 course material for use in remote learning. Based on the BC “New Curriculum”, this will include a combination of commercial off-the-shelf software and custom tools to deliver realtime, interactive and engaging content on a wide range of subjects.

This Riipen project centers specifically on the design and initial prototyping for two test sessions, one astronomical the other biological.

The Project

We will be incorporating both off the shelf tools (OBS, Teams, Lens Studio and others) and potentially custom created tools, and will be extending the tools made by the University of British Columbia’s “Digital Dream Play” team from the Emerging Media Lab for this purpose.

Deliverables will include documentation, and co-creation of a simple prototype for one or two 45 minute sessions for primary school children. The student will have the option to help deliver a presentation to grade 3 and 5 classes.

The Student

The student selected should have a familiarity with STEM education, a proficiency with UI/UX considerations and be a fast learner on a range of technologies. The ability to clearly document processes and tools is also key.

About the company

We are dreaming of a world where next-generation mixed reality tools and experiences are readily available to all. And we mean all. Not regardless of diversity of socioeconomic, neurological and cultural factors and other aspects of identity, but specifically geared to support that range. Core to this global business perspective is treating our social and environmental impact as a primary measure of success for our business and prioritize it even in cases where it may not drive profitability.