Feedback details


Experience feedback

The team’s introductory meeting was efficient in garnering the requisite information for embarking on the project; they were able to achieve their fact-finding mission in only 30 minutes. This was indicative of what would follow. Soon thereafter, a 75-minute meeting with Meryn Kierney was sufficient for her to be able to complete her exhaustive 18-page report, “Personal Security Assessment”. Meryn was also so kind as to spend time with me regarding my principal near term interest and concern, which relates to the political book and its website; they are set to be published this summer. As with Meryn, the team’s broader 27-page report was professionally presented, exhaustive and clear. With these qualities, Malavan’s 90-minute discussion with me made it possible to understand the report to an extent that would have otherwise not been possible, given my utter lack of knowledge in the area. The team’s generousity went further. With respect to the book’s site, following a lengthy discussion about it, Malavan prepared a clear 2-page, 5-section guide with respect to how I could aim to achieve my goal of keeping the book’s site online internationally, should it be illegally taken down by political “interests,” whether in the U.S. or Canada. The detailed sections and the report’s conclusions are the result of genuine care, as this report does not even appear in the team’s online submission to Riipen. In conclusion, the team and its members were kind, thoughtful, professional and exhaustive in preparing the reports in a fashion that is, as much as possible, understandable for me and, certainly, for those who will work on my multiple sites (4) and related products in the future (book, financial, health.), including the essential improvements that must be made to my personal security. I sincerely thank Riipen and its members for having made this opportunity available to me, particularly given the critical role the efforts that Malavan’s team will have played in GAI’s future successes. Sid Klein CIO/Founder Global Alternative Investments, LLC (888) 939-2221