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Critical thinking
Custom Questions

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Team feedback
Ifrah did much to help the GSG develop its outreach, advocacy, and organizational capacities in its first year of operation. Ifrah's role was pivotal in the creation of the GSG sponsorship package, updating the GSG outreach database with student government contact information from around the world, creating meeting packages for the first and second GSG Legislative Assemblies, assisting with minute taking at meetings, assisting in meetings with student governments and other external stakeholders, and advising on the GSG communications strategy. As the GSG Office of the President team grew in number, Ifrah took on a leadership role as a de facto chief of staff and demonstrated leadership by supporting other team members and leading some team meetings. Two specific examples of Ifrah's contributions include making contact with a student government representing a number of island nations in Oceania that had little engagement with student politics at the international level, as well as facilitating advocacy to help alleviate a visa backlog comprising a number of graduate students. It was an honour to have worked with Ifrah and her efforts have helped improve student democracy at the global level.
Negotiation International education Influencing skills Research
Justin Patrick
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Research and Outreach to Student Governments Around the World
Negotiation International education Influencing skills Research
Created At
May 27, 2023