Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions
  • question 1

    What notable qualities or skills did the student demonstrate throughout the project?

    Communication, creativity, visualization, theorizing use-cases, high quality coding
  • question 2

    How did the student engage with stakeholders during the project?

    We use an internal chat and scrum system called Bitrix24, and we keep a live chat going with the entire development team. We also meet weekly in-person.
  • question 3

    Did the student effectively manage their time and meet project deadlines? If so, how? If not, what areas could they improve in?

    Yes they did.
  • Team feedback

    Individual endorsement
    Target market Advocacy Scheduling Algorithms Full stack development Epic emr Property management Lead management Booking (sales) Management

    Jenn has been a fantastic addition to our development team. While she's a talented developer, she's also an effective communicator, which encourages a deeper level of dialogue from the entire team.

    Jenn has been a fantastic addition to our development team. While she's a talented developer, she's also an effective communicator, which encourages a deeper level of dialogue from the entire team.
    Target market Advocacy Scheduling Algorithms Full stack development Epic emr Property management Lead management Booking (sales) Management
    She / Her
    Founder and CEO
    Level UP: May 2024
    Development Phase 4 - Booking System Billing & Business Flow, & Itinerary Planner Design
    Target market Advocacy Scheduling Algorithms Full stack development Epic emr Property management Lead management Booking (sales) Management
    Created At
    July 8, 2024