Feedback details

Critical thinking
Individual endorsement
Target audience Infographics Educational materials Educational materials development Sorting Innovation Research

I am delighted to endorse Yossaria Yoon-Vickerman from Advance Ontario for her outstanding contributions to our Recycling Education Initiative project. Yossaria played a crucial role in designing the event banner for our Earth Day recycling event, demonstrating a remarkable sense of art and creativity. Her strong work ethic and dedication were evident throughout the project, significantly enhancing its success. Yossaria's commitment to excellence and her collaborative spirit make her an invaluable asset to any team. I highly recommend her for any future endeavors. Sincerely,

Team feedback
Working with Yossaria Yoon-Vickerman from Advance Ontario on our Recycling Education Initiative was a highly positive experience. Yossaria made significant contributions to the project, particularly in designing the event banner for our Earth Day recycling event. She showcased an excellent sense of art and consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic. Her dedication and creativity greatly enhanced the project's success.
Target audience Infographics Educational materials Educational materials development Sorting Innovation Research
Inhyuck Kim He / Him
Advance Ontario
Recycling Education Initiative
Target audience Infographics Educational materials Educational materials development Sorting Innovation Research
Created At
June 25, 2024