Supply Chain Optimization

Analyzing Industry Data

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We believe we know a lot about our consumers and target consumer base, but we need to look beyond the buyer and examine our industry.We would like to collaborate with students to identify key market trends and assist in our go-forward plans.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our products, target market, and industry.Analyzing growth trends, stagnation patterns and decline analytics.Identifying areas of promising innovation and areas that are slowing down.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending strategies to best position our company.

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Category Market research + 2

Lean Startup Business Strategy Development

Our team has noticed that our product development and operational processes are not as efficient as they have the potential to be. We want to simplify these processes to make them more “lean” in order to make them less costly and more adaptable to customer feedback at a fast pace. In this project, students will focus on evaluating our operations and identifying internal issues that are causing processes to be too timely or costly. Mapping out operational processes using Business Process Model Notation and notation (BPMN), and evaluating each step and the resources it consumes.Identifying bottlenecks in our operational processes.Researching solutions to each unique problem identified in the mapping process.Creating a proposal with recommendations for improvements and an implementation plan for how we would incorporate the solutions.Creating a second BPMN model of operational processes with the proposed solution(s).

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Category Market research + 2

Delivery Route Optimization

Our company makes hundreds of deliveries every day. To deliver orders on time, we rely on designated delivery routes.We believe that with the help of technology and advanced engineering practices, we could design a more efficient delivery route for our vehicles. We would like to work with student engineers to create a framework for the implementation of deliveries across multiple metro areas.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Tracking our current delivery routes.Analyzing traffic and timing variables that might be applicable to our routes.Identifying how the routes could be altered for more efficiency.Creating a program based on your gathered data, which will generate ideal delivery routes and schedules for each metro area.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Comparing delivery route planners and apps

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Category Civil engineering + 1