Marketing Management (Marketing Plan) - SPRING'24

MRKT 621
University Canada West
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Dominika Hanc
Faculty Member
  • April 19, 2024
    Experience start
  • April 23, 2024
    Student's Briefing
  • May 30, 2024
    Q&A Session
  • June 11, 2024
    Final Presentations
  • July 1, 2024
    Experience end
  • Post-graduate; 1st year
  • 40 learners; teams of 7
  • 10 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 1/1 project matches
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • Academic experience
  • Any company type
  • Any industries
Customer segmentation Digital marketing Social media marketing Market research Marketing strategy
strategic thinking market analysis marketing strategy marketing
Project timeline
  • April 19, 2024
    Experience start
  • April 23, 2024
    Student's Briefing
  • May 30, 2024
    Q&A Session
  • June 11, 2024
    Final Presentations
  • July 1, 2024
    Experience end
Learner goals and capabilities

This semester MBA students working in small groups will apply their knowledge in marketing to help your organization seize a marketing opportunity, develop a strategic marketing plan, or solve a current marketing challenge. The students will use marketing research, strategy, digital promotional tools, and marketing best practices to create a report and presentation.

Expected outcomes and deliverables

Students will submit a 20-page report including their research, analysis, insights, and recommendations.

Students will also submit a pdf slide deck summarizing their key findings and recommendations to share with your employees.

Project Examples

The outcome of the project is a Marketing Plan for the company based on the current situation analysis and business needs.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Marketing strategy review: Providing recommendations on your target market and what methods you can use to leverage and improve your marketing strategy based on your organization's budget and current marketing strategy.
  • Segmentation and targeting: defining best-fit audience segments to market your products to.
  • Marketing Mix strategy: Providing insight and recommending sustainable strategies related to the Marketing Mix (Product, Place, Price and Promotion).
  • Social Media: An analysis of how to leverage social media channels to reach different customer groups
  • Conduct external desk analysis (including customer, competitor, market and environment) as well as marketing mix performance.
  • Developing an integrated online/offline communication strategy with pop-up stores, outdoor display ads, and app features recommendations.

Please, note that teams won't do any implementation, this is a top-line strategy report with recommendations and examples, but it won't provide any specific tactics or deliverables other than the plan. For example, students won't build websites, create content, schedule posts, search for SEO keywords, etc.

The Marketing Plan should outline the marketing strategy and tactics for your company, including all or some of the following sections:

  • Background and Objectives
  • Situation and Environmental Analysis
  • Marketing desk research (including customer, competitor, market and environment)
  • Segmentation, targeting, and differentiation (best-fit audience segments to market your products to).
  • Marketing Mix strategy: Providing insight and recommendations of sustainable strategies related to the Marketing Mix (Product, Place, Price, and Promotion) based on the organization's budget and current marketing strategy. For example, Product/Service– differentiation from the competition, packaging, product categories recommendations. Price - pricing strategy, suggested selling price, price and quality relationship – perceived value. Place - channels of distribution, availability, cost. Promotion - advertising, online marketing, social media, sales promotions, PR, integrated online/offline communication.
  • Budget
  • Measures of success
  • Conclusion

Please apply only if you are available to meet online 3 times (all the dates below) with students on the following dates in these 2 groups:

1. Briefing (60 min): Tuesday, Apr 23rd, 8:30 & 10:30 PST

2. Q&A Session (60 min): Thursday, May 30th, 8:30 & 10:30 PST

3. Final Presentations (120 min): Tuesday, June 11th, 8:00-10:00 & 10:00-12:00 PST

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Is the business on the market for 12+ months

Is the business a Canadian company?

A dedicated representative available for a quick online call with the instructor to confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.

Dedicated representative available to meet online with students on these dates: 1. Briefing (60 min): Tuesday, April 23rd, 8:30 & 10:30 PST 2. Q&A Session (60 min): Thursday, My 30th, 8:30 & 10:30 PST 3. Final Presentations (120 min): Tuesday, June 11th, 8:00 & 10:00 PST

Provide a dedicated representative available to attend an online meeting to tell students about your company and your goals for the project before the first milestone AND answer periodic emails or phone calls over the duration of the project to address students' questions (The best is to be able to attend a weekly/bi-weekly office hour with the students for about 15 min per team)

A dedicated representative available to attend the students’ marketing plan presentation during the final week of the course as well as to provide feedback to the instructor and students.

Provide an official letter of recommendation, endorsement on students' LinkedIn page, or a reference of their cooperation with the business